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30 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 3 — Romans 2:1-16

Study 3 From The Book of Romans Is: 2:1-16

1.      What four things are said about God’s judgement in verses 22, 6, 11 and 16? What else do you learn about it in this passage?
2.       By what general test will God judge men? See verse 7:10. How will this bring condemnation on (a) the self-righteous person, (b) the Gentile, and (c) the Jew? Why  does God delay the day of wrath?
1.        Verses 7 and 10 in no way contradict the truth that salvation cannot be earned by works. Paul is not dealing at this point with the method of salvation but with the nature of the test in the Day of Judgment. The test is righteousness (cf. 1 Jn.3:7, 10). If a man is not righteous in heart and life, he will be condemned. Later Paul will show that the only way to become righteous in God’s sight is through faith in Christ.
2.      Verses 12-15. The meaning is that men will be judged by the light they have had. If they have been under the law of Moses they will be judged by that; if not, they will be judge by the standards they possess by nature through reason and conscience.

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