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07 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 33— Psalm 40:1-10

Study 33 From The Psalms is:  Psalm 40:1-10

This psalm consists of two parts, which differ widely in their content. The first part is full of joyous thanksgiving for recent deliverance; the second pleads for help in the midst of distress and danger.
1.    What five things does David say in verses 1-3 that God did for him? And what effects did his deliverance have upon those who witnessed it? Have you a corresponding experience of God’s deliverance, and has it had a similar effect? Cf. Acts 9:34, 35, 41, 42.
2.    To what reflections, resolve and actions did his deliverance give rise in David’s own heart and life? See verses 4:10.
Note. Verses 6-8 are quoted in Heb.10:5-7, but from the Lxx version, which has a different reading in the second line of verse 6. The general meaning is not, however, essentially different. ‘As the ear is the instrument for receiving the divine command, so the body is the instrument for fulfilling it.’ (Cambridge Bible).  

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