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21 February, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — Revelation 20: 1-10

Study 23 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 20: 1-10

Great differences exist among Christians concerning the interpretation of ‘the thousand years’ and ‘the first resurrection’.  Either the thousand years follow Christ’s second coming, or this section is a fresh symbolic description of the period between Christ’s first coming and His second coming. There does seem to be parallel sequence in the main events of Rev. 11-14 and 20. It was through Christ’s first coming that Satan was bound. Cf. Mk. 3:23-27; Lk. 10:17-19; Jn. 12:31. Rev. 20:7-9 can be understood as yet another reference to Armageddon. Cf. 16:14-16; 19:19.  ‘The first resurrection’, however understood, is a privilege shared in only by faithful followers of the Lamb. Some think the phraseology symbolically predicts that the age of the martyrs would be followed by a far longer period of Christian supremacy during which the faith of Christ for which the martyrs died would live and reign.

1-     What activity is particularly attributed to Satan? In what different ways is he dealt with? How is his activity made to serve God’s purposes? Cf. 2 Thes. 2:9-12. What will be his end? Who will share the same fate? Cf. Mt. 25:41.
2-     What are the rewards of the martyrs who are faithful to death? Cf. Lk. 22:28-30; 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 2:10, 11; 5:10. What grace should such awareness make us covet?
1-     Verses 1-3 ‘The bottomless pit’: as the abode of evil spirits (cf. 9-11) this is to be carefully distinguished from ‘the lake of fire’ (verse 10).
2-     Verse 3. ‘Must’: for reasons hidden in the divine will.
3-     Verse 8. ‘Gog and Magog’: the reference here is to Ezk. 38; 39, where the prophet conceived of a great invasion of the land of Israel.

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