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Showing posts with label bible study book of acts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible study book of acts. Show all posts

04 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 56 - Revision of The Book of Acts

Study 56 From The Book of Acts Is: Revision

We have reached the end of the book of Acts

  1. Trace through the following key verses in the book: 1:8; 6:7; 9:31; 12:24; 16:5; 19:20 and 28:31.  What reasons can you list from them for the growth of the early church? What lessons do you learn about obedience to God’s Word, trust in God’s power, and witness to the Lord Jesus Christ?
  2. In such passages as 20:18-35; 21:13, 14; 23:1; 24:16; 26:19-23, 29 and 27:22-35, we have an insight into the real personality and spirit of Paul.  List the qualities that are outstanding.  Were these natural or divine qualities?  Can they be yours? 

12 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 34 — Acts 17:16-34

Study 34 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 17:16-34

Paul at Athens faces philosophers, who are eager to hear another man’s views in order that they may add these to their rag-bag of ideas, and who also have no background understanding of the Old Testament.
See, if possible Acts (TNTC), pp. 136-146 for a most helpful explanation of Paul’s visit.

  1. Verses 16, 21.  From what motives, and by what methods, did Paul proclaim the gospel? Do you know anything of a divine jealousy provoked by the fact that people do not give Christ the allegiance which is His right?
  2. Verses 22-34.  Study Paul’s sermon and note (a) how he gained the interest of his hearers (verses 22-23), (b) what he taught about God in relation to the universe, mankind, idols and images (verses 24-29), and (c) the response he argued which men needed to make to God (verses 30-34).  Paul sought to make the Christian message relevant to the thought and background of his hearers. He had no slick phraseology.  What do you learn from this about preaching today?

01 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 23 — Acts 12:25-13:12

Study 23 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 12:25-13:12

And now, we are back to the book of Acts and we will stick with it until the end. Once that is done, we will study Amos & Hosea together because they are two very short books.

With the return of Barnabas and Saul to Antioch (12:25) begins the story of a great expansion of the gospel among the Gentiles.
  1. What parts were played by (a) the Holy Spirit and (b) the local church in initiating the new advance? Note that the church may have been praying about possible future developments of their work when guidance came through a prophet inspired of the Holy Spirit. What does this teach you about guidance?
  2. Paul and Elymas meet in a head-on clash (verses 6-12). What was (a) the cause of the clash, (b) the reason for Paul’s strong condemnation of Elymas, (c) one purpose of the judgment which visibly fell upon him? Are you as prepared as Paul to rebuke and resist direct opposition to the Lord Jesus?
  1. Verses 6-8. As a court magician Bar-Jesus or Elymas feared his job would be in danger if the proconsul became a Christian.
  2. Verse 9. ‘Saul, who is called Paul’: Luke changes from the apostle’s Jewish name to his Roman and gentile name to stress Paul’s special ministry as the apostle to the Gentiles which was now beginning. Note also that Paul takes over as leader from Barnabas: Cf. verse 1 with verse 13. Doubtless, because Paul was a Roman citizen, the proconsul treated him as superior to Barnabas.