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31 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study   — Ezra & Nehemiah

Study   From the Book of Ezra & Nehemiah is: Ezra & Nehemiah


The books of Ezra and Nehemiah continue the history of the Israelites from the point reached at the end of 2 Chronicles. The two books are closely linked together and cover between them a space of about one hundred years, from the first year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia (538 BC), to soon after the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes (432 BC). Other books of Scripture belonging to this period are Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Ester.
The events recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah gather round three periods, as follows:
First Period (Ezr. 1-6, from the first return of exiles under Zerubbabel (or Sheshbazzar) and Jeshua the high priest (536 BC) to the completion of the Temple (515 BC).  It is to be noted that, thought these events are recorded in the book of Ezra, they occurred more than sixty years before Ezra himself appeared on the scene.
Second Period (Ezr. 7-10), describing the return of a second large company of exiles under Ezra, with some account of Ezra’s ministry in Jerusalem (458 BC).
Third Period (Ne. 1-13), describing the arrival of Nehemiah as governor (444 BC), and his building of the city walls, together with his joint activity with Ezra.
Ezra and Nehemiah were men raised up of God to render invaluable service at a critical time in Israel’s history. Ezra was a priest of house of Aaron, a man of outstanding piety, a diligent student and capable teacher of the law of God, and a zealous reformer. Nehemiah was a public servant and a true patriot, who devoted himself to the improvement of the moral and material condition of his country. He combined watchfulness with prayerfulness, and energetic activity with conscious dependence upon God. While both men rendered notable service, the work of Ezra was the more enduring, for he gave to the law of God a place of supreme authority in the life of the people.

30 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Philemon

Study 1 From the Book of Philemon is: Philemon


1.     What light does this letter throw upon Paul himself?  Is he putting into practice Col. 3:12-14? Consider closely the appeal he makes and the arguments by which he reinforces it.
2.     What happened to Onesimus (Whose name means ‘useful’ or ‘profitable’) to make him start living up to his name? Has acceptance of the Christian faith made us useful (a) to the person who led us to Christ; (b) to those who are our employers, or in a comparable position?

29 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Philemon

Study 0 From the Book of Philemon is: The Introduction of the book of Philemon


The epistle to Philemon contains no systematic presentation of doctrine. It has one avowed purpose—to ask Philemon to receive back a runaway slave who had been in his service and had absconded with his money.  The man had come into contact with Paul in Rome and had been converted and transformed into a new man. It was not easy for Paul to let him go; it was harder still for Onesimus to face his former master.  But it was hardest of all for Philemon to take him back.  These men were Christians, however, and that made all the difference. The letter is one of great charm, tact, graciousness and love, and provides and unforgettable picture of Christianity in action.  Though no place-names are mentioned, it is clear that the letter was written at the same time as that to the Colossians.

28 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Colossians 3:18 - 4:18

Study 6  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 3:18 - 4:18

With this lesson we end the short book of Colossians to jump to the book of Philemon

1.     3:18 – 4:1. Observe how, in giving directions about the life of a Christian household, Paul urges ‘upon each party its own duties and the other’s rights’. What overriding concerns should influence all alike, and why?
2.     4:2-6. List the activities here demanded as essential (a) to prayer, and (b) to our relations with non -Christians. In my own practice of Christian self-discipline, to which of these points do I need to give more attentions? Can I learn from verses 3, 4, 12, how to pray for others?
Note. 3: 21. “Provoke” : by excessive fault-finding and little or no praise.

27 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Colossians 3:1-17

Study 5  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 3:1-17

1.     Verses 1:11. What results, (a) positive and (b) negative, should follow from being ‘raised with Christ’; in other words, what should the experience make us (a) do, and (b) stop doing?
2.     Verses 12-17. Make a list from these verses of the divinely intended characteristics of active Christian living; and prayerfully examine your own living in the light of these standards.

26 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Colossians 2: 8-23

Study 4  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 2:8-23

1.     What four defects does Paul find in the false teaching (verse 8)? In what ways does he then set forth Christ as the one absolutely sufficient Saviour (verses 9:15)? List the treasures and the benefits which are ours in Him.
2.     Verses 16-23. It is quite clear that the false teachers stressed (a) the observance of holy days, (b) the worship of angels, and (c) ascetic practices. On what grounds does the apostle show all these to be mistaken, useless and hurtful as a means of salvation?
3.     Verses 11-15. How is he way in which Christians have been ‘circumcised’ from the rite practised by the Jews? By what ceremony has Jewish circumcision been replaced for Christians? How is its symbolism related to the death and resurrection of Christ? Cf. Rom. 6:1-14.
Note. Verses 11, 12. ‘By putting off the body of Flesh’: the false teachers advocated the rite of circumcision as a means of purification. Paul’s answer is that in the believer’s identification with Christ in His death and resurrection the whole body which has been governed by fleshly desires is put off, and a new man emerges. This far more than fulfills all that the rite of circumcision signified.

25 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Colossians 1:24 – 2:7

Study 3  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 1:24 – 2:7

1.     In 1:24-29 what does Paul say about (a) his sufferings (cf. Acts 9: 15, 16); (b) his commission; (c) his theme, and (d) the method aim and inspiration of His ministry?
2.     2:1-7. What is essential if Christians are to stand firm in the faith and not be misled? How may they gain encouragement to continue and become more fully established? Do you (a) covet such progress for yourself (b) pray like this for others?
1.     1:28. The false teaching suggested that full participation in knowledge and consequent maturity was restricted to a select few. The gospel makes it possible ‘in Christ’ for all alike –for ‘every man’.
2.     1:29; 2:1. ‘Striving’: a metaphor from the Greek games a word used again in 4:12. It describes here earnest conflict, straining every nerve, in prayer.

24 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Colossians 1:15-23

Study 2  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 1:15-23

   1.     What is revealed in verses 15-20 concerning our Lord’s relation to God, to creation, and to the church? What practical effects should this revelation have on our Christian faith and life?
   2.     Verses 21-23. From what condition at what cost, and with what goal in view has Christ rescued us? What is required of those who desire fully to enjoy these benefits.

23 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Colossians 1:1-14

Study 1  From the Book of Colossians is: Colossians 1:1-14

1.     Of what blessings which God has double ours in Christ does the gospel speak? What results did this gospel produce in the experience of the Colossians who heard it? Have I made as much progress as they had?
2.     In his prayer for the Colossians, for what further progress in the things of Christ does the apostle ask? Carefully note the items in Paul’s prayer. In which of these directions do I most desire or need myself to make progress?

22 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction to the book of Colossians

Study 0  From the Book of Colossians is: The Introduction of the Book of Colossians


Colossae was one of a group of three cities (of which the other two were Laodicea and Hierapolis; cf. Col 4:13).

While there was cause for thanksgiving (1:3-5; 2:5), yet there was ground also for deep concern because of the dissemination of a plausible false teaching, which, dressed in the garb of an enlightened philosophy (2:8), claimed to be a higher form of Christianity. Would they have full emancipation from evil? Then they must observe circumcision and practice a strict discipline.  Would they have access to the divine presence? Then they must worship angelic beings, by whose mediation they might draw nearer to the throne of God. No doubt these teachers gave Jesus a high place, but it was not the supreme place.
Paul’s answer is to set forth Christ Jesus as pre-eminent in every sphere, and as all-sufficient for the believer’s need. This is the main theme of the letter, which stands out among all Paul’s Epistles for the fullness of its revelation about the Person and work of Christ. It contains also in brief compass a wealth of practical instruction for Christian living.